5 Steps To Integrate Someone New Into Your Team

 5 Steps To Integrate Someone New Into Your Team 


Business So you’re happy with the results that your Applicant Tracking System has given you and you’ve got a new person joining your team shortly – but will they be as good a fit to your team as they seemed they would be in the interview? You won’t want to take any chances with this, which is why your firm’s onboarding process needs to be nigh-on seamless. Here are five ways to make sure of that. 1.Be clear about your expectations Yes, many of your expectations of your new recruit should have been explained in their candidate interview, but now, it’s time to lay out the ground rules for their day-to-day life at your company. Are your and their expectations one and the same? 2.Get them to meet your people It’s a ‘no-brainer’ to introduce your new employee to those that they will be directly working with. However, we’d also urge you to get them acquainted with those working above them, and who may therefore serve as mentors to your new employee. Mentoring, after all, can be critical to getting your new worker to fit into your company without too much fuss. This means you should be doing everything possible to expose your new worker to people who they can learn from and in whom

 they can confide. 3.Hold a welcome event Do you need to organise something extravagant to welcome your new employee to your company? Nope – it could be as simple as lunch together with the team, a post-work happy hour or a more outlandish event such as a company-wide bowling tournament. Regardless, it’s another great way to get your employees to know each other better, in a fun setting rather than a professional one in which many people are focused on their deadlines. 4. Ask questions and be open to suggestions Your new employee is a fresh pair of eyes, so you should take advantage of that freshness. What do they make of certain ways your team works right now? What do they think could be improved, and how exactly would they improve it? New hires aren’t entrenched in your firm’s established approaches to certain things. They can therefore often spot inconsistencies and unhelpful aspects of your business’s operations more easily than those who have been on your payroll for years. 5.Decorate their office area for their first day Don’t risk your new employee being almost forgotten about as soon as they sign a contract with your company. 

, make them feel valued from the first day, by decorating their part of the office or even having a cake and card – complete with your

 employees’ congratulations and well-wishes – ready for them. Such warm sentiments from the start are likely to be returned by a worker who will have a better attitude and be ‘raring to go’ to contribute to your company’s success story. A smooth transition from candidate to employee will help to ensure your new worker quickly becomes ‘part of the furniture’ at your company... to such an extent that it may feel like they’ve been on your team for years. By working closely with Webrecruit and drawing upon our highly rated applicant tracking system when recruiting new employees in the first place, you can especially maximise the chances of that being the case.
