
5 Steps To Integrate Someone New Into Your Team

 5 Steps To Integrate Someone New Into Your Team    Business So you’re happy with the results that your Applicant Tracking System has given you and you’ve got a new person joining your team shortly – but will they be as good a fit to your team as they seemed they would be in the interview? You won’t want to take any chances with this, which is why your firm’s onboarding process needs to be nigh-on seamless. Here are five ways to make sure of that. 1.Be clear about your expectations Yes, many of your expectations of your new recruit should have been explained in their candidate interview, but now, it’s time to lay out the ground rules for their day-to-day life at your company. Are your and their expectations one and the same? 2.Get them to meet your people It’s a ‘no-brainer’ to introduce your new employee to those that they will be directly working with. However, we’d also urge you to get them acquainted with those working above them, and who may therefore serve as mentors to your new

Bamboo Flooring Can Give Innovative and Captivating Look to Your Place

 Bamboo Flooring Can Give Innovative and Captivating Look to Your Place   Art and Culture,Business Bamboo Flooring Can Give Innovative and Captivating Look to Your Place </br> Owning a home is the dream of every individual. Today, everyone is looking to make their own home; it is the pride moment for them. But, making a home is not so easy task; you should do a huge research on home front design, map of home, interiors, exteriors, curtains, flooring, furniture, parquet and more. Presently, lay bamboo parquet is in the trend, many folks applied this parquet at their home and find the superb view of your dream home. There are many manufacturers and suppliers available in the market who prepare and supply the bamboo made material for the home like bamboo flooring, bamboo parquet, bamboo furniture and more. Lay bamboo parquet is the newest way of ceiling where your roof is made up of bamboo material and gives a marvelous look to your home. The bamboo based home stuff move you  toward

Mind Your Marketing Manners

 Mind Your Marketing Manners   Internet Marketing,Business,Communication Foul language, aggressive sales people, dismissive behavior, men talking over women, cyber-bullys, and a world short on patience and respect for the other guy has replaced manners and decency; online and off. Anyone reading this newsletter does not fall into the category of intentionally bad mannered or disrespectful but if you are missing some of the rules of the game of marketing, you might be seen that way. Marketing today is a game of relationship building vs. ABC, always be selling. You are welcome to join me in a wee rant if you have experienced any of the following. You subscribe for something, the thank you email is personalized, the voice of the sender is engaging. You are invited to “Hit reply and let me know X, Y, Z and I’ll get back to you. I read all of these emails.” You do, and you write a little note with a question or a comment, excited that you get to engage with this new to you brand. After all,